Saturday, December 20, 2008


Time to Organize.

Time to get ready for the New Year. These are the areas which I am going to work on today

Get rid of clutter
Eliminate all the piles of paper
Discover better storage solutions
Find more time in my day
Get everything done without getting exhausted
Find better ways to combat procrastination
Find better ways to set and achieve my goals

This is the first thing I have done so far today. I got all my 80 names into a spread sheet.
I have a Field for First Name, Last Name, Phone Number and Email addresses.
My next contacts I plan on getting there address and start over on
my warm list roster. That way I can send out the Happy New Year VIA sail mail.

I want to use a friend of mine and have him help with the card
He is a great artist. Has a lot of new Ideas and loves the fact or doing a New Years Card.

I plan on emailing everyone some sort of card. So using Micro Soft Word.
You can write a form letter and then import the names and email it using your spread sheet. Than MERG the spread sheet it to go out one email at a time using word. by having
the two Fields first name and last you can make it a little more
personal by just using there first name in the letter. Each person will get
there own email which will make each person feel special. A personal touch.

Everyone has gone crazy. Like someone knock over the bee hive. Running around and getting ready for the holidays. NO TIME TO REST IT SEEMS.

But I feel getting a bit organize will help when MPM hits it hard
comes January. One of my goals from yesterday is to make MY POWER MALL
start working for me. I have shop, bought, got gift cards for Christmas this year.
Now is a great time to ORGANIZE IT so all my present friends, Family and furture
friends can do the same thing I am doing for NEXT YEAR.

I plan to have a wonderful Holiday here in Colorado with family.

I am Having my mom over for Christmas dinner. That brought tears to her eyes.
She though she was going to be all alone for Christmas. Not on My watch will that
happen. I think that will be the best present ever. To let her know she is not alone.
So everybody use the moment to be with the ones you love.


Happy Holidays

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