Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My You Tube for Dec 3 2008 Keep the faith

Busy Busy Busy Got off my main Job 1:37pm. raced home, I help out with customer service chat line for mpm. normal day it would take me 1/2 to get home. Today 25 mins to get home boot up the computer and only BEE 5 mins late. Talked with Nita. What a nice and helpful lady she is. Then out the door for a couple more leads. I had to get a car emissions for the Subaru shop I work at on the weekends. I picked up the car for testing. While I was waiting for my car to be tested got two more leads. YES Once you get use to this It is easy to ask anyone. All you have to do is say "How is it going. Do YOU Internet shop?" and go from there.

Have lots to do so I'm going to keep it short tonight


1 comment:

Ginny Dye said...

Hi Jimmy,

I'm so proud of all you're doing. You are reaching out to help so many people and I know they will start joining you. Great work!
